Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lucas Leydon
English 1A
12 September 2013
Rule of Three: Part 3
The future of education lies in teachers who are passionate about what they teach. Teachers must grab the students attention by stimulating an interest in the subject and a desire for further learning. It is the teachers job to instill an optimistic outlook in the students and make them excited about learning. Teachers must have the ability to be creative in their teaching methods and reach out to students on a personal level. The encounter of just one passionate teacher can change a students whole outlook on education. The more involved and enthusiastic a teacher is, the more responsiveness will be reflected in the student. Great teachers are those who can inspire students to go above and beyond their potential and make learning an experience of joy. These types of teachers are what is needed to stimulate successful educational systems that prepare the generations to come. Good teachers have the ability to be flexible and adjust to the individual needs of the student.
Schools should have a system that caters to the individuals potential and interests. Certain learning styles may not work for every student, therefore teachers must be flexible and creative in their approach. It is important for students who are struggling stay motivated to continue learning and to avoid the feeling of failure. Students must be engaged in the subject being taught and understand why it is important in a wider sense. This creates a sense of purpose. Having the feeling of learning something just to pass a test will not suffice for successful learning. The teachers must spark interest in the student and be creative with their methods such as using games or watching videos that compliment their lessons. I also feel that students should be allowed to focus on subjects in which they are most inclined to succeed and plan to pursue for a career. This will give them more motivation to learn and more experience in their field. Personally, I feel much time in high school was spent learning about trivial information that was quickly forgotten, when that time could have been used to focus on my desired field of study or on practical knowledge that would help outside of the academic walls.
Schools must integrate courses that provide preparation for practical life situations that students are sure to face. This is important so students know what to expect in the "real world" and aren't caught off guard. I feel people can learn through other peoples experiences and it would be helpful to have lecture speakers or mentors to guide students through the mistakes they have made and overcame throughout their life. This can aid in keeping students focused on what is important in life and prevent them from taking part in certain actions or situations that would not benefit them in the long run. It is important to know essential information about the practical aspects of society such as how banking systems work and building credit, money management techniques for buying a house or starting a family, and also an understanding of common laws and how to deal with certain situations such as car accidents, being the victim of robbery, or dealing with a death in the family. This could be accomplished by creating courses that are aimed at discussing how to deal with these types of situations and better prepare students for life beyond graduation.

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